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Differentiation of teaching and assessment is highly beneficial for equitably addressing needs of diverse students, e.g. gifted or high-achieving students. However, overworked and time-poor teachers face various practical difficulties in implementing large-scale differentiation.
Over the last several years, I developed and differentiated a curriculum teaching artificial intelligence to school students. I delivered adapted versions of this curriculum in 6 quite different extra-curricular or curricular settings, to students aged 9 to 19, face-to-face or online-only. More importantly, I differentiated teaching to the needs, characteristics and interests of diverse students within each delivered program. The majority of students were gifted/high-achieving. I had to prepare differentiation in limited time, after-hours to my unrelated full-time job. While for some programs I was able to learn about students and prepare differentiation before teaching, in some short programs I had to differentiate “on-the-fly” during delivery because I was not able to learn about students beforehand.
My main insight is that successful differentiation is made easier by:
1) a well-defined but adaptable curriculum,
2) diversity and flexibility of learning resources,
3) giving students choices that do not make helping and assessment overwhelming,
4) interactive online learning systems with real-time teacher dashboards,
5) software automating student data analysis.
School Level: Primary & Secondary
Level of Expertise: Novice & Intermediate
Role/s of the Audience: Teacher & Academic/researcher